Monday, 18 May 2009

Fade to Grey

It's very odd you know, when you've done all that sanding and preparing and what have you and then you mix the paint (even if it is just the primer) You take a deep breath and load up the roller and you hit the bottom of the boat... Suddenly the patchwork quilt is gone - she's all the same colour. The downside is it shows up all the lumps and bumps better - which is a GOOD THING really, but does feel like 2 steps forward, 3 steps back!
Still, the skiff is now this fetching shade of light grey - a high build primer which we will use to finish off the fairing and flatting so she's ready for a top coat. As you can see, the shape is pretty straight... Really feel like we're getting close now!

Take me back to carbonology

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